Monday, June 20, 2005

Voila la Crepe

Originally uploaded by kelley123.
the other entry for the Everyday Matters Challenge...number 7, which was draw a bottle, tin or box from your kitchen.

Everyday Matters Challenges-You get 4 for 1

For just one peek you get FOUR challenges...I am trying to play catch-up on the everyday matters group. So here are my entries for challenge numbers 8, 11, 13 and 16. Which were a watch, glasses, telephone and a tool. Enjoy. Click on the photo for a bigger picture. Thanks for looking.

New Paris Photo Site

Since the photographer at Paris Photo Journal has decided to take an extended vacation...I give you
Paris, One Photo a Day. Take a look.(Via A Day in Paris and then An American's View of Paris)All of these blogs should be on your "daily visits" list if you are a francophile.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Need I say 'Amour'?

paris 080
Originally uploaded by ddotpalmer.
Found this on Flickr...ddotpalmer's photo blog. Check out their other Paris photos.

Finished Quilty Round Robin

Finished Quilty Round Robin
Originally uploaded by kelley123.
This quilty returned home quite a while ago, but I am just now having time to scan, adjust and post. So here it is...the finished product. The artists who added beads and trim, etc...were L. Cook, K. Henderson, S. Luck and J. Stroyeck. Didn't they do a great job. And of course, like everything else, it looks superb in person.