Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh la la! My Paris trips

This website Oh la la! My Paris trips is absolutely fabulous if you love Paris or are planning a trip. So have a little peek and daydream of walking next to the Seine eating a baguette. OHHHHHHHLLLLLLLAAAALAAAAAA!


SuburbaMom said...

That's a great website. Thanks for pasing on the info.

u l a n said...

hi kelley! thanks for dropping by my site and leaving a comment =) don't worry, i'm not abandoning my regular sketching ways ;-) just looking for my next subject hee hee.

Gabrielle said...

Hey, thanks so much for posting my link here! I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't updated this page in almost a year, probably because I was spending that time moving to Paris! I just got one large project out of the way, so my goal for July is to update the entire site and add a lot more about Paris, so check back in a month or so. Cheers, and thanks again!