Sunday, March 06, 2005

EM Challenge-Favorite Cup

Originally uploaded by kelley123.
I finally got around to drawing my favorite cup for the EM Weekly Challenge. The reason it took me so long is because I don't drink coffee or hot tea, so I don't have a reason to have a favorite cup or mug. And I did NOT want to draw a glass of iced tea(definitely too much of a challenge at this point) I had to look through all the cups that I own in my china cabinet and come up with something. Voilá...a mug bought in Paris with little French drawings and fits right in with all the Paris comments lately. Note: The little blue thing floating above the cup is actually the china mark from the bottom.
Technical info: same as last week. Vision Elite pen and prismacolor pencils


Karen Winters said...

It is a very sweet cup and I like the little maker's mark you included.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have risen so well to this challenge, perhaps you should give the iced tea a go. I think that you are up to it :-)

Dawn said...

I like your drawing and the shape of the cup. Isn't it great how things like cups can bring back memories of someplace or someone we love?

Dawn said...

I like your drawing and the shape of the cup. Isn't it great how things like cups can bring back memories of someplace or someone we love?

Linda said...

I really like the way you did this cup drawing, and that you included the mark on the page. It seems to complete the page, doesn't it!